
Terms of Access

Users of Te Mata Park do so at their own risk. The Te Mata Park Trust Board will not accept responsibility for any accident, damages or losses that may occur within the Park.

All Users

All Users

  • Take responsibility for your own safety. Use the road with care.
  • Please be aware that security cameras may be operating in the Park.
  • Respect the land and vegetation in the Park at all times. No flora or fauna may be removed from the Park without permission from the Trust Board.
  • Share with care – sections of tracks are shared between walkers/runners and bikers. These are marked with orange Shared Track signs.
  • For safety reasons, buses over 7.5m may not travel beyond the saddle car park (the car park just above Peak House). For traffic management questions or concerns, please contact Park Manager Sarah Austin-Smith.


Dog Owners

  • Dogs are very welcome in the Park
    • The Park is an off-lead area for dogs. Owners are responsible for the control of their dogs at all times, especially in areas of the Park where stock is grazed.
    • Owners must have a leash in hand and keep their dog within view.
    • Owners must ensure their dogs do not foul the tracks or their immediate margins at any time. Please have dog doo bags at the ready and dispose of in one of the receptacles, located at both car parks.
    • Female dogs in heat are not allowed in the Park.
    • Access with dogs may be suspended during pest control periods.
  • Please read our article “Tips for Keeping Your Dog Under Control.”



  • Respect Others
    • Stay in control and give way to walkers
    • Signal your approach and pass with care
    • Ride shared tracks in small groups
  • Respect the Rules
    • Ride only where permitted
    • No new tracks to be formed in any area
  • Respect the Tracks
    • Don’t skid, cut corners or make new lines
    • Stay on the bike tracks and avoid soft surfaces when wet
  • E-Bike Users, please note the following:
    • The Park accepts the use of e-bicycles up to 300 watts on the Park mountain bike specific trails.
    • E-bicycles over 300 watts are treated as motorbikes and are banned on mountain bike trails on Te Mata Park land.
    • We encourage park users to self-police 300+ watt e-bicycles.


Activities Within the Park

The Park has a detailed Code of Conduct for flying unmanned aircraft within the boundaries of Te Mata Park.  This is to ensure that safety is of paramount consideration, as well as the overall satisfaction of other Park Users.  Please note that it is not permitted to fly unmanned aircraft in Te Mata Park, unless consent is received from the Park Board of Trustees.   To download a Consent Form, please click here

To view a boundary map of the Park, please click here.

Te Mata Park has been a much-loved location for wedding photographs and ceremonies for many years.  Areas for consideration include the main gates car park, the summit, the little redwoods or the natural amphitheatre near the saddle car park.

Approval from the Trust is required for large scale gatherings – please complete the Booking Form and return it to our Manager.

Any sporting or community event organised by third parties must have prior approval from the Te Mata Park Trust Board. This also applies to private events involving more than 30 people. The Trust requires a minimum of 14 days notice prior to the proposed event and there are some terms and conditions that will apply. The Trust reserves the right to decline any request. Terms and conditions will apply for all approved events. Please complete the Te Mata Park Booking Form.

Te Mata Park is used for a wide range of outdoor sporting events throughout the year. These include the very popular annual Peak Trail Blazer and Triple Peaks events.

The Te Mata Park Trust Board reserves the right to review and alter these terms of access to the Park at any time and to refuse access to the Park to any user who does not comply with the above.

Please report any issues or incidents to the Trust.

 Please Note : The upper section of Te Mata Peak Road above Peak House is closed to vehicles from 10pm to 5.30am every day.

The Tauroa Road car park extension is closed between 9pm and 7am daily and we ask park users to consider local residents in terms of noise, especially early in the morning.