20 MARCH 2025
Te Mata Park Trust Board seeks new Trustees and Aspiring Trustee
Applications are sought from suitably qualified candidates to become a trustee on the Te Mata Park Trust Board (the Board) or to participate in the Board’s Aspiring Trustee Programme as an ‘Aspiring Trustee’.
With an ambitious programme of works, it is an exciting time for two new members to join the Board in making a meaningful contribution to their community. Ideal candidates will bring a range of skills including business acumen and governance experience, as well as familiarity with the Park. Candidates must be strategic thinkers, operate with integrity and have a passion for ensuring the long term sustainability of Te Mata Park Trust. The appointment term for members of the Board is for three years, which may be extended for a maximum of three terms.
The Aspiring Trustee Programme involves the opportunity to attend Board meetings for a year as an observer. While in time the Aspiring Trustee will become a full contributor to Board discussions the role does not have the responsibilities of being a full Trustee and does not have voting rights. As an Aspiring Trustee you will gain an understanding of the key aspects involved in park management over twelve months. This will contribute to building confidence within a governance environment as well as a full understanding of the complexities involved with managing and protecting Te Mata Park.
The Board is focused on attracting an Aspiring Trustee with broad diversity (e.g. ethnicity, gender, age) who complement the skill sets of existing Board members. The Aspiring Trustee should be familiar with Te Mata Park and have a good understanding of the range of park users.
These roles do not receive any remuneration as the position is a community service role.
Appointments will be made by Hastings District Council. The Board Skills and Competencies Framework can be made available upon request.
For further information or to apply by CV contact:
Louise Stettner, Manager Democracy and Governance Services
Hastings District Council, Private Bag 9002, Hastings 4156
tel. 0275461595 or email louises@hdc.govt.nz.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 26 March 2025.
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