Park Information
All tracks are currently open.
To stay up to date with track closures and other Park information, please check the Weekly Park Update post on our Facebook page, published on a Friday.
Sheep ARE NOT currently grazing in the Park.
When sheep are in the Park:
Please keep your dogs under control and in your sight at all times. Dogs that are prone to running off or worrying sheep MUST be on a lead.
If you are mountain biking in the Park please look out for the sheep, especially if you are riding at speed.
Volunteer Events
We have many volunteer opportunities throughout the year within our rongoā garden and in the greater Park. Volunteer days will usually run from 9am to 12pm. For more details or to register your attendance, sign up here:
To learn more about the rongoā garden, go to the Te Roopū Puke Atea Facebook Page.