Current Park Information and Events
Click here to learn more about current hazards and volunteer opportunities.

Planting to restore Papatūānuku’s Cloak
This is the season to whakapipiri, to take that extra bit of care with ourselves, to slow down, and to look after one another. Takarua is also the season we give back to Papatūānuku by planting trees and restoring her cloak.

Forestry and Revegetation Project Update
Preparation for creating a more biodiverse Te Mata Park has begun. Pan Pac Forest Products will initiate forestry work in the park on 2 March 2020 following a slight delay due to reasons beyond the control of the Te Mata Park Trust Board. It will begin with a blessing from Mana Whenua.

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Under Control
If you take your dog for a walk in Te Mata Park, we ask you to be mindful of sheep both within the Park, and adjacent to it, on our neighbouring farms.